Exploiting Robo Rumble (13/8/18)

Howdy, Brawlers!

A recent exploit of Robo Rumble has taken over the gamemode by storm! Any player who has heard of the bug is using it in order to gain the maximum amount of rewards possible from Robo Rumble. This exploit includes the use of Mortis in circling around in a fashion where all of the spawned robots will follow Mortis around the map. Using Mortis’ dashing ability, the robots will not be able to catch you and therefore you can survive for an infinite amount of time using this strategy. The maximum amount of time for a game of Robo Rumble is 13 minutes and 14 seconds, and reaching this time will stop the game and bring you to the victory screen. This strategy is classified as an exploit because there is an inherent flaw in the game that allows the strategy to work. This flaw is a limit to the possible spawned robots. This means that once so many robots are spawned, no more robots will spawn until some are killed. If no robot limit was presented, then the robots spawned in the later waves, like the charging robot, would kill Mortis and ultimately destroy this strategy. This is why it is of utmost importance not to kill any of the robots if you are to be successful. Watch this exclusive clip of the strategy being used (by super star RIP). 

This exploit will not last in Brawl Stars for much longer, as a recent Reddit post from the developers has confirmed that they are aware of the exploit and will be fixed within the next update.

Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at 7.13.04 PM.png

GG to those who already got max time with this exploit. For those who didn’t, we’re sorry. This will likely be fixed before the next Robo Rumble Event starts.

Update (26/8/18): This isn’t fixed yet! You can still get max time by this exploit.

Post by Gooose. 

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