The Beginning of a New Dawn

Howdy Brawlers!

u/BrawlStars recently posted on Reddit that the team is back in Office! The whole team was on a much deserved vacation (June – July). Just like BS team, your favourite blog, The Weekly Brawler, is back to posting! Things have gone downhill for us since the Landscape update. When the Landscape update rolled out, many of the TWB members quit the game (and the blog), including myself. Puzzles led the team alone through the terrible phase and things seemed to settle down a bit. TWB was back to normal but the posting frequency decreased. But good things are always followed by something bad. With the Summer ending, most of the members of TWB quit the game and/or blog.

But fret not! For the past few days, I was trying to form a new team and I had success with it. Even with a new team, we are gonna continue posting what we used to post: Brawler guides, Brawler and game mode concepts, map guides, fanfics, etc.

The site now has a brand new look. We’ll still be removing some of our old posts and revamping the pages so some of them might look a bit ugly. We’re sorry for that. Also, we have updated our Tara guide with new tips and strategies and will finish updating/writing guides for other Brawlers asap! 

Thank you all for supporting us! We will not let you down again.

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